Investing in health
Approximately 80 percent of the funds the Foundation has awarded to date have been used to directly support the health and well-being of uninsured and underinsured residents of northern Lake County.
Grants awarded by categories since 2007
- Clinical care
- $ 10,133,559Mental health
- 4,901,400Medical
- 739,300Dental
- 2,183,750Case Management
- 9,092,013Linkage to care
- 4,489,010Capacity building
- 2,021,850Scholarships
- 2,699,500Special opportunities
- $ 36,260,382TOTAL
Growth in grantmaking
- $2,922,936FY 2007–10
- 6,415,026FY 2010–13
- 6,626,045FY 2013–16
- 6,151,175FY 2016–19
- 6,839,750FY 2019–22
- 7,305,450FY 2022–25
- TOTAL$ 36,260,382
Audited financial statements
Each year, the Healthcare Foundation of Northern Lake County submits financial statements to an independent auditor for review. Included in the review are statements of the Foundation’s financial position and of its activities and cash flow for the year ended. To review recent Independent Auditors’ Reports, please click on one of the links below.
Fiscal years 2022-23 with 2021-22 comparison
Fiscal years 2023-24 with 2022-23 comparison